Artisan Contractor Step 1 of 5 20% Your Name* First Last Business Email* Business Name*Company Mailing Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Indicate type of operation by percentage of work (Should add to 100%)Exterior PaintingDrywallInterior PaintingElectrical CarpentryPlumbingDoors & WindowsLandscaping CabinetryFlooringMason: Flat WorkMason: Brick/Block work Describe any other work not listed above and approximate percentage. Pecentage Breakdown of Residential to Commercial Work*ResidentialCommercial If you have snow plowing accounts, how many accounts are...# of residential snow plowing accounts# of commercial snow plowing accounts If you have, Spray Painting Exposures what percentage is...% Residential Interior% Residential Exterior% Commercial Interior% Commercial Exterior If you have Roofing Operation Exposures, what percentage is...% of New roofs% Tear-off and re-roof% Repairs% Commercial Exterior If you have Hardwood Floor refinishing Operation, what percentage of annual sales is it? Maximum Height exposure in stories or feet?*Employee Count*# of Full time employees (including owners)# of Part-time employees Percentage of your work sub-contracted to others?*Percentage of out of state workState% of Total Annual Sales Business Financials*Estimated Annual Sales this yearEstimated Payroll this Year Number of years in business under this business name?*Have you or your business ever been sued before? Or Filed any insurance claims before?*YesNoPlease provide more details on the claim or lawsuit* Δ